Today's Tarot Card: King of Coins
Practicality, discipline, tradition, and conservatism are the order of the day today - and this goes for matters of physical health, your finances, your household, your business endeavors, and your romantic life.
Hard work will get you far, and win you the luxuries you desire. Seek wisdom from one who has much practical experience under his belt; he can guide you rightly and you'll reap the benefits from his wisdom.
This is not a day to take gambles or silly risks. Play things safe. Set aside frivolity and instead, don the mantle of maturity and responsibility. Stick to a budget today - and look for quality, not quantity.
Count your blessings and do not take anything for granted. Remember to share your wealth; you can use your resources to help others in need. Be generous and focus on building security, not just for yourself, but for others. Be a good steward with your money. This day may also find you needing to make some big financial decisions.
Today's Deck: the Golden Tarot
Today's Deck: the Golden Tarot
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