Today's Tarot: Reversed Queen of Swords

Today, the Golden Tarot deck offers us the Queen of Swords in reverse.

Today you may experience lack of mental clarity. Perhaps the current situation, being closed up at home, has led to mental fogginess and fatigue. Get out of your mind and get more into your body today; go for a walk. Do yoga. Cook a delicious meal. Create something with your hands; do not give in to mental stagnation. 

Communications today can be subject to Murphy's Law. This can be someone who is keeping information from you, or who uses information against you. Beware of a gossipy person, or someone with a tendency to be vindictive, cold, judgmental, and harsh. 

You may also be facing a situation where your heart is leading instead of your head, and you may need to check yourself in this. Ask yourself if a rational approach to your situation is the better way, or if you should set down the sword and allow your heart to do the talking. 


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